Short introduction
YES ppl ...i just find out ...something sad happened in the world has crashed. For those who dont know what represent CS i'll introduce u now in the world of ..hospitality..
There are few websites who are promoting the idea that ppl from all over the world offer free acomodation for travelers. The best two sites are ...or where (HC ) and (CS ).
"What is the Hospitality Club?
Our aim is to bring people together - hosts and guests, travelers and locals. Thousands of Hospitality Club members around the world help each other when they are traveling - be it with a roof for the night or a guided tour through town. Joining is free, takes just a minute and everyone is welcome. Members can look at each other's profiles, send messages and post comments about their experience on the website."
This is the presentation of HC on the their website... is a very cool think ...i am a member of both sites ... and i've been hosted once in Rousse (Bulgaria).. and it's a great way for travelling and knowing ppl.
CS crashed!!! :(
And now ...talking about today's subject CS website crashed ...the explanation sound like this: ]
"Dear CouchSurfers,Two days ago CouchSurfing experienced what could be described as theperfect storm. The database administrators we hired made two criticalmistakes. First, we had a major, avoidable hard drive crash. Secondly,the incremental back-ups weren't executed in the correct manner, andtwelve of our most important data files didn't survive.I have been working non-stop trying to repair the data, but as difficultas it is for me to say, it has become clear that certain essentialpieces are not recoverable. This crash happened at a particularlyvulnerable time, in a transition between two back-up methods. If thecrash had happened a week ago, or next week, we would have had adifferent outcome.It is with a heavy heart that I face the truth of this situation.CouchSurfing as we knew it doesn't exist anymore."
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